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1930's Replica

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Forum Posts
Sharon Whittaker
Jun 08, 2021
In General Discussions
Hi everyone, hoping for a bit of help with Diamond in the Rough. Several parts on my trailer need replacing and don't know where to find this info. First my 12 volt receptacle inside my Teardrop isn't working, I assume it needs to be replaced. Any idea what I need to order? Also, one of my stabilizers has the tip of the spring broken. It doesn't catch when I lower it, so manually make sure the lever goes in a notch. Don't know where to find these... Lastly, the wheel on the trailer tongue is in need of replacement. I'd like to find a better tire, with more durability, perhaps air filled? Not sure how to find the right size and set up. thanks for all your help, really looking forward to the camping season.
Sharon Whittaker
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