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Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Aug 29, 2020
In "NEW" Teardrop Rentals
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Jul 22, 2020
In General Discussions
You Always leave the screens open at least a bit. Thats why we have such a large screen in the front and both of the windows with screens as well. These are your primary sources of ventilation. If you close everything up you will suffocate. vents are no different. They also have a screen. If you close a vent, you will have the same results . It's no different then the 3 screens provided. You must have air flow. Thats why they call them vents. It is short for "Ventilation". The 3 screens are your "vents". Always make sure you have a proper source of air flow, and never completely close all your screens.
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Nov 05, 2019
In Proper Maintenance
This question should be answered based on where you decide to store your trailer during the winter months. If it's stored in a damp environment, then yes definitely remove it. If it is in a heated garage, there is no need to worry about it. Everyone has a different place they keep their teardrop stored. I leave my mattress inside the trailer all year round. However, My teardrop is stored inside my shop and the shop is temperature controlled all season. When in doubt, pull it out :-)
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Nov 05, 2019
In Proper Maintenance
Here is another question we receive a lot. Should I take out my battery during the winter months ? Well, it really does not depend where you are storing it. If it's inside a garage or outside in the dead of winter. I leave my battery in my boat all year round ( outdoors). I also leave it in my snowmobiles ( outdoors ). The key to a prolonged life of a battery is to trickle charge the battery throughout the season. A low amp trickle charger will keep your battery fully charged at all times. The damage occurs when you let the battery die completely and then try to charge it again in the springtime. It does not matter where a battery is stored, as long as it receives a slow trickle charge. If it did matter, then you should take your car battery inside every night before bedtime. The reason your car battery works all winter is because every time you start your car, your alternator tops up your battery amps. Same idea applies with a teardrop trailer. Take it out of the trailer if you want, but if you don't slowly trickle charge it throughout the season it may still end up dead. The fact of the matter is, If you don't charge a battery, it will die. No matter where you store it. Although, "Cold weather makes it more difficult for an already weakened battery to hold its charge, Storing your battery in a garage during spells of cold weather should keep the battery warmer and, easier to charge, but trickle charging will make it last a lot longer. Keeping your battery fully charged means your battery will have a longer lifespan and use energy more efficiently". More tips can be found at this link here: MTA Most importantly remember this: It is better for your battery to opt for the slow charging method, because A fast charge increases the potential of overcharging your battery and can create permanent damage.
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Oct 13, 2019
In Used Teardrop for sale
We received this email from a couple that purchased one of our teardrop trailers through a customer that was selling on Kijiji. This is her story that we would like to share with you... From: @hilbuhfrank Hey I just thought I’d let you know our story a bit because we ended up with one of your marvellous trailers and we couldn’t be happier.
Last year around August my partner Michel and I had been dreaming and desiring a teardrop to the point where we had contacted you to start our order. We did tons of research and loved your design and that you were a small Canadian company that put so much love into your products. We’re from New Brunswick and knew that it would be at least a year until we’d finally have our own, and although we were disappointed we knew we’d be purchasing one of your teardrops one day. One night Michel was surfing kijiji and found the EXACT make and model of teardrop we wanted, and in our province!! We bought it two days later and camped well into October with it.
I just wanted to drop you guys a message to say thank you for creating such an amazing trailer. We lived in it all summer and are so grateful to have a home to ourselves everywhere we go. We get tons of compliments and have directed dozens of people to your website.
All that’s to say, THANK YOU! We named our trailer Bebitte (which is a French word for a small bug) and she’s hauled by our beautiful and always loved Mireille. Thank you a million times for providing us with the home we’ve always wanted. I’ll send you some of my favourite photos of our adventures! Thanks a million again and keep up the good work!
Hilary and Michel ( Thanks guys. Love the story. May you have Many happy trails ahead you :-)
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Oct 13, 2019
In "NEW" Teardrop Rentals
Ok, so here are a couple of teardrop trailer rentals that we built, available in BC. Rented through Wheel Estate
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Oct 13, 2019
In "NEW" Teardrop Rentals
We have been asked many times when our rentals will be available again. As long as we continue to be busy throughout the winter season we will not have time to build any rental units. For now, We have this section available on our forum for existing customers that may decide to rent their own teardrop trailers to the public. Please note: we have no affiliation with these rental units, and any transactions or business conducted with any of these rentals has no relationship with The Teardrop Trailer Inc. This is only a page that will link, update or allow other private teardrop trailer owners to post available rental dates. All agreements are made between the private teardrop trailer owner and the customer and Not between "The Teardrop Trailer Inc". This is only a platform for renters to meet teardrop owners.
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Jul 10, 2019
In Proper Maintenance
Here's another big one. If you decide to take your little teardrop south for the winter and you end up driving on our salty roadways, wash it off before you store it. Salt is deadly on any surface, including aluminum if left over the wintertime. It will pit the aluminum. It can be polished back to a new look again, but it is a lot of unnecessary elbow grease, when all you needed to do in the first place was wash off the salt after a long road trip.
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Jul 10, 2019
In Proper Maintenance
After a few years of building our teardrop trailers, we have realized that some people do not know how to properly care for, and maintain their new little campers, So we are going to create a list of ways to avoid damaging it, and suggest ways to properly maintain and store them... This will be an ongoing list of hints and tips, and outright do's and don't s. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the subject. So here we go. First and foremost. If you are not using your trailer and plan on leaving it outside during the winter months, Cover it. That's right, Cover it. Especially if it's a woody. Although these trailers can be used anytime of year, they are primarily made for 3 season camping. If you want to use your trailer in the winter time, you should have checker plate fenders and checker plate under carriage. If you want to avoid rusting the frame you should also get the frame galvanized. We can galvanize the frames, but they take 6 to 8 weeks to get dipped. That means we can only accept orders for galvanized frames between October and February. Even with all these precautions, you still need to cover your trailer when not in use. People cover their boats, snowmobiles,motorcycles, RV's and yes, even their classic cars. One thing people need to remember is that our trailers are made of wood, steel and aluminum. Wood expands and contracts, aluminum and steel do not, which means in the winter months an uncovered trailer that has expanding or contracting wood with temperature changes can allow ice to penetrate the hinges and door frames. This will eventually melt in the spring and if left unattended and neglected will cause mold. So if you want to keep your trailer looking like new, cover it when not in use. Think of it as the same as a classic car and it will last for many years to come. Leave it exposed to the elements, and you will have a costly restoration repair bill, that we can easily help you with.
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
May 20, 2019
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Apr 21, 2019
In Fantastic Fan
Not only do they get in the way for a semi flexible solar panel, obstruct the wind flow for an aerodynamically favorable roof, They leak. We install internal fans and have screens on our doors. We also have a pass through screen between the bedroom and kitchen, and best of all we don't put a big hole in the roof for a fantastic fan. Last thing I want over my head on a major rain storm, is a leak. Want more proof ? Check out the following links: I could go on, but I think you get the point...
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Apr 11, 2019
In Build To Order
"The wall" is a list of customers that have made a deposit and are scheduled to be built. As of April 11 2019, We are currently booked till September 2019. We are also taking orders for the spring and summer of 2020. We have 2 trailer builds booked in May 2020 and June 2020 Dates still available for new Builds in 2019: Oct, Nov, Dec Check back often, as we will always be updating our build schedule. If we are ahead of schedule, we will also notify everyone here. If you have a specific time frame that you want your trailer to be built, it is best to reserve as soon as you can. Spring and summer build dates go quick. Thanks again to all of our customers, past and present.
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Dec 06, 2018
In What's New in 2019
Well, 2019 is quickly approaching. We have been given a lot of great ideas from our customers throughout the years, and plan on using some of the best ideas to go on our new 2019 Teardrop trailer. Stay tuned, as we will be posting our new pictures and videos here as we near the completion of our shiny new 2019 "Black Diamond"
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Nov 11, 2018
In Solar Panel
Here is the link to our 50W and 100W semi flexible solar panels Here's a little crash course on our blog, to determine what fits your needs best Volts, Amps, Watts, Inverter & Solar power - Simplified Any additional questions,comments or additional thoughts always welcome
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Oct 27, 2018
In Frequently Asked Question
100% yes. We have built, sold and delivered across north America. I think our video commercial says it best.....
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Oct 27, 2018
In Frequently Asked Question
It depends the size of tires you choose from. Anywhere between 5ft 7 to 5ft 9 in height.
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Oct 27, 2018
In Frequently Asked Question
It depends what size and what options you choose from IE, size of tires,number of batteries. The weight ranges anywhere between 800lbs-950lbs. 72 inches is the base length of the bedroom, unless otherwise requested. Below are the standard layouts for both the 4x8 and 5x8 models
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Oct 26, 2018
In Frequently Asked Question
We have a wide variety of teardrop trailers to choose from. From the 4x8 and 5x8 "woody" to The 4x8 and 5x8 Silver Bullet. The 5x8 Diamond in the rough, and our all new deluxe model coming this 2019. All of our trailers are custom built, Although we do have standard base trailers, we also offer a custom quote request form to fill out and we will respond . The custom Quote form can be found Here: Our Base trailer prices can be found Here:
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Sep 06, 2018
In Polishing your Teardrop
I went through some of my older videos that I totally forgot about, Back when I originally started building in my back yard. If you want to know how to make your teardrop shine, check out my old archived video entitled Polished Aluminum rear galley tear drop Trailer. I can literally see my face in the back of the galley door. Check it out... ( Note: this was the second or third trailer I ever built, We have made major improvements to our trailers since this video with over 300 trailers built to date. We also now have a 3000 sq ft shop, and no longer build in the back yard. This video is just a testimonial to how well you can polish your trailer, with a little elbow grease and a polishing kit from Princess Auto or Harbour Freight.
Steve Hoddinott
Happy Trails
Sep 06, 2018
In Teardrop Commercials
This is where it all began. We already had our first teardrop trailer built in the spring of 2014. Dec 8 2014, I didn't have any orders yet, But I really wanted to get this business off the ground, So I started TeardropTV. Interviewing other Builders across the USA, and learning from them and their techniques of building. Well the show never really took off, but sales did. We have built and sold over 300 trailers for customers across North America, and this is the very first video I produced on green screen ( Very amateur ) in my kitchen, and Mandy sitting in the living room as my number one supporter. I look back now and laugh. We truly started from humble beginnings, But with a lot of hard work and determination we have branded a product that can be seen at local campsites across Canada and The USA. And it all began with my first video. Enjoy...
Steve Hoddinott
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