This is where it all began. We already had our first teardrop trailer built in the spring of 2014. Dec 8 2014, I didn't have any orders yet, But I really wanted to get this business off the ground, So I started TeardropTV.
Interviewing other Builders across the USA, and learning from them and their techniques of building. Well the show never really took off, but sales did.
We have built and sold over 300 trailers for customers across North America, and this is the very first video I produced on green screen ( Very amateur ) in my kitchen, and Mandy sitting in the living room as my number one supporter. I look back now and laugh. We truly started from humble beginnings, But with a lot of hard work and determination we have branded a product that can be seen at local campsites across Canada and The USA.
And it all began with my first video. Enjoy...